
你的未來宇宙會有什麼元素? 什麼風景?




  • 追蹤 @adata_global IG帳號
  • 在活動期間,於網站上提交你的攝影作品,並用50-100字的文字說明你的作品。
  • 如果你願意在參賽期間分享你的作品,請公開上傳到你個人的Instagram並標籤 @adata_global #ADATAfuturegalaxy
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Daniel Cheong | Mauritius
Daniel Cheong is a freelance photographer, brand ambassador for NiSi Filters, BorisFX Optics, and former instructor and lecturer for Nikon Middle East and Africa.

Born in Mauritius and originally of Chinese descent, his previous telecom industry job saw him travel and live in several countries including France, USA, Japan, Singapore, and Dubai. His technique involves blending different exposures of the same scene to extract the perfect dynamic range between dark and light.

His Dubai cityscapes and fog shots have been publicized worldwide in media and magazines including CNN, National Geographic, Practical Photography, and Petapixel.
Emanuel Manfrin | Argentina
Emanuel Manfrin is a photography editor, instructor, and freelance photographer born and currently residing in Argentina. 

He completed his mecatronics degree in Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Santa Fe, Argentina.  He specializing in child photography and his works stand out due to their magical style, which he achieves through postproduction, where storytelling has an essential role in the composition. 

He has given workshops for photographers from different countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Chile, USA, Spain, Italy and Ecuador and his photographs have been published in digital magazines and awarded in 35 international photography contests. 
José Ramos | Portugal
José Ramos is a conceptual landscape photographer, storyteller and psychiatrist from Portugal, currently living in Lisbon. He started his photographic career eighteen years ago, and his images have been published several times in National Geographic printed magazines and other international photography magazines. His work has been exhibited several times, as well as featured on Discovery, The Telegraph, CNN Travel, Sony and others.

Strongly focusing on long exposure technique and storytelling, his images are multi-layered, from the immediate attention-grabbing natural scenes with exquisite light, to the symbolic details of archetypical natural elements, along with the written reflections accompanying each artwork.
Albert Dros | Netherlands
Albert Dros is a professional landscape photographer from the Netherlands. He is known for his extreme passion and drive. He strives to capture the amazing landscapes this world has to offer. Not only that, but he aims to capture them in the best way, always on the hunt for magic light and the best possible conditions to photograph. Albert is also known for his planning of photos. This is something that he really loves. En erupting volcano aligned with the milky way, Epic moon shots next to buildings, solar eclipses with a model, he has done it all.

You can find Albert’s world published in big media channels worldwide, like National Geographic, Adobe, TIME and more. Albert also writes himself and his articles are published in world wide photography channels and magazines.

Winner Announcement

Name:Pranab Basak(India)
Diamond Awardprizes
Journey to a future galaxy.
Platinum Award
Platinum Awardprizes
Name:Dan McClanahan(US)
Description:"Frozen Estuary" is a long exposure photograph taken at Jökulsárlón in Iceland. This frame was taken at 11am in direct sunlight using a Lee Big Stopper ND filter to make the other tourists disappear and to mess with the viewer's perception of time. The Big Stopper's deep blue tint emphasizes the feeling of coldness, and the long exposure blur in the sky and icebergs deceives the viewer into thinking this was taken at night. As soon as I saw it on my camera screen, I felt the scene was otherworldly.
Gold Award
Gold Awardprizes
Name:Krinjal Balkrishna Patil(India)
Fly high.
Sliver Award
Sliver Awardprizes
Abode of Peace
Bronze Award
Bronze Awardprizes
Name:Tomasz Janicki(UK)
The magic light over the Twr Mawr Lighthouse Llanddwyn Island North Wales.
Pawel Zygmunt
Mark Anthony Agtay
Myat Zaw Hein
Jón Þórðarson
Shirley tsui


  • MY FUTURE GALAXY全球攝影比賽(該「活動」)將於2022年12月09日凌晨12:01開始進行,並於2023年01月15日格林威智標準時間(GMT)晚上11:59分結束。
  • ADATA約將於2023年02月10日在IG feed以及網站公布優勝者和佳作人選,將由評審團隊依據照片品質、作品藝術性以及故事內容做評分決定排名。
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  • ADATA 對參賽者不實提供之任何資訊,和/或個人或連絡細項不負責任,因此對參賽者遭受任何此等錯誤或任何損失亦不負法律責任。
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